Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pillow Talk

I'm not really much of a sewing kind of gal. I like fabric arts and even took a fabrics and textiles class in college, but my knowledge of sewing and using a sewing machine is pretty much limited to what I learned in 7th grade home ec. Still, I've had this Snoopy fabric for almost a year now, planning to make a pillowcase for this small pillow that Kenny has. My crafting 365 plan was pretty much the kick in the tail to get this going.

I know pretty much no sewing terms. This is all done with straight stitches, except for the ribbon which I added with a rather crooked zigzag stitch. The pillowcase is basically a big fabric envelope, just like the case that came with the pillow. (My mom actually got the pillow for me when I was pregnant with Kenny so I could sleep with it between my knees.) I'm trying to decide what to do to keep the flap closed. I was thinking about a big red button, but since Kenny wants to sleep with it, I might use Velcro instead so he's not slamming his head into a button!

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