Tuesday, January 17, 2012

MDS Snow Card

Believe it or not, I fully intended to not use MDS for tonight's card, but then I got my February issue of Stampin' Success (an SU! publication for demos) and inside was a gorgeous MDS card with a "brayered" background. It was more of a spring time card with yellows and oranges, but I decided I just had to try one with blues for a cold, wintry feel. I struggled with making the background for a bit, then decided to check out www.mydigitalstudio.net to see if there were any tips and lo and behold, the very first tutorial video was how to make a brayered background!

This will be a 6"x6" card when I get it printed. I really like the way this came out and I'm actually tempted to try and recreate it tomorrow in paper. The only thing I wouldn't be able to do is create the different sized snowflakes. I do have the snowflake punch, but in real life, you can't change the size of the punched images like you can on MDS. Yet another MDS perk!

Supply List
My Digital Studio
Colors: Baja Breeze, Whisper White, Basic Black

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